how art affects the mood

Looking for a way to instantly boost your mood? Whether you’re searching for more motivation, or you just want to raise the vibration of your living space, consider using art as a form of therapy. From creating your own artwork, to hanging wall art that speaks to you, instantly add positive energy to your everyday life. Follow these expert tips to discover the best way to use art to your emotional advantage.

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How Does Art Influence Your Daily Life?

How to Reduce Stress with Art

Instantly Boost Your Happiness

Apply Color Psychology

Curate Your Dream Living Space

Consider Art Therapy

Endless Creative Possibilities

How Does Art Influence Your Daily Life?

Being surrounded by art is a foolproof way to enhance your quality of life. Having products of creativity in your field of vision is proven to improve your day-to-day mood. There’s a reason why quality art is so sought after, and its due to its aesthetic and emotional value. Surround yourself with pieces that bring you joy and represent your personality. Self-expression is a huge part of achieving happiness, and art is the perfect way to show everyone your unique taste.

wall art sale

Art Pieces that Show Emotion

There are plenty of styles of art that trigger an emotional and showcase personality. A piece of abstract or modern art is ideal to add a touch of drama to your space. If you want a more literal take on representational art, consider our Definition Wall Art collection curated by Tirzah Goodman. Choose a word that exemplifies your goals or what you value most, and let it inspire you every day.

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how does art help with emotions

How to Reduce Stress with Art

If you’re feeling down, indulge in art! Art is an immediate mood-booster, and it fosters feelings of relaxation, creativity, and inspiration. Many studies have shown that both creating and looking at art can support mental wellbeing. Any form of art can help reduce stress hormones, while increasing endorphins and dopamine in our brain. It’s a win-win! From doodling in your notebook to hanging an oversized, colorful canvas, art can give you a whole new outlook on life.

Explore mood painting and wall art ideas >>

how does art affect emotions

Instantly Boost Your Happiness

Even simply catching a glimpse of an artistic piece, such as wall art, a decorative utensil, or any creative pursuit, can do a 180 to our mood. Any style of art – traditional or contemporary – has the potential to evoke a sense of happiness and positivity.
Whether it is a stunning scene set by mother nature, or a great manmade piece of art, it can trigger powerful mood-enhancing chemicals in our brain. Both the natural world and handcrafted art are two of the biggest sources of inspiration.

Browse art that affects your happiness >>

mood in art

Apply Color Psychology

Fine art largely revolves around colors, and colors can play a huge role in enhancing our mood. For instance, lively hues give a feeling of energy, while darker shades can evoke a sense of melancholy. Let’s take a look at how four colors can directly affect your mood:
YELLOW: The color of friendliness and sunshine! This is definitely the happiest color on the color wheel!
PINK: This cheerful color has a calming effect and can evoke feelings of optimism, love, and compassion.
BLUE: This intellectual color provides a reassuring and calm reaction in individuals. Opt for lighter shades of blue that are more serene.
GREEN: This balancing color brings peace of mind and rejuvenation. As it is often associated with nature, it has a refreshing effect.

Experiment with wall art and emotions >>

how does art affect our emotions

Curate Your Dream Living Space

You might not initially think of home décor as a way to boost your happiness, but it is one of the simplest and most effective methods! When choosing wall art for your living room, bedroom, kitchen or any other room, first ask yourself this question "What influence will this wall art have on my mood and emotions?"

Remember, you will be looking at your chosen piece of wall art quiet frequently. So, it should hold some special significance to you. Don’t choose artwork simply for style alone. Make sure the home décor you choose radiates positivity and inspiration. Plus, wall art gets you one step closer to creating your dream living space!

View our top picks for mood boosting wall décor >>

art and mood

Consider Art Therapy

There are many ways to define art therapy, but the simplest definition is – the application of visual art for therapeutic purposes. You don’t always have to see a specialized therapist to reap the many therapeutic benefits of artistic expression. You can get a similar experience by performing simple activities at your home. These activities include journaling, painting, sketching, etc.
Art therapy is not new; it’s been in use since the mid-20th century. It helps people overcome both mental and physical trauma. Those who feel the intense pressure of day-to-day life should undoubtedly try art therapy. Creating or even surrounding yourself with art gives you a chance to slow down and appreciate the small things. Art therapy can improve the mental health of people who are dealing with anxiety, dementia, eating disorders, depression, and beyond.

See more joyful wall décor ideas >>

what does art do

Endless Creative Possibilities

The mental and physical benefits of art are countless. So, when you are feeling low, create something artistic, or simply observe someone else’s creation. Self-expression is extremely important on the never-ending journey to happiness and bliss.
Last but not the least, art is not limited to paintings, but also includes sketches, sculpture, typography, and much more. Put simple, choose (or create) art that makes you feel good!

Discover mood enhancing art ideas >>

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Annette Schmucker