Additional Privacy Options

Some state laws grant consumers the right to request access to their personal information, prevent its sale or sharing, or request its deletion.
If you wish to exercise a legal right in accordance with your state's laws or on behalf of a resident, please provide the following information to proceed.
This information will be used solely to validate and fulfill your request.

Who is making this request?
I wish to exercise a data privacy right under U.S. state law on behalf of myself or my minor child.
I am an authorized representative of a U.S. resident and I wish to exercise a data privacy right pursuant to state law on behalf of that person.
Please tell us more about your request. You can choose one request at a time.
I want to access the personal information that has been collected or shared about me or my minor child. You must validate your request by responding to an email that will be sent to the above address.
I want to prevent sale or share of the personal information that has collected about me or my minor child. Please note that we do not process sensitive personal information about you.
I want to delete the personal information that has collected or shared about me or my minor child. Please note that your account, including all photos, will be deleted if you process this request. You must validate your request by responding to an email that will be sent to the above address.