View wall art in your room

When it comes to selecting the perfect wall art, one of the most challenging decisions can be visualizing how it will look in your space. We’ve solved this problem with our new “View It in Me Room” feature! This exciting tool allows you to preview any of our pieces directly on your wall through your mobile device before you buy. Here’s how to make the most of it:

Step 1: Browse Your Favorite Art

Explore our wide range of wall art on our product page. Once you find a piece you love, simply click on it to view the product details.

Step 2: Look for the "View It in Me Room" Button

On the product page, you’ll see a button that says "View It in Me Room." This is where the magic happens! Tap this button to start the process.

Step 3: Point Your Camera at the Wall

After tapping the button, your phone's camera will activate. Position the camera toward the wall where you’re considering placing the art. Make sure the lighting in your room is good for the best results.

Step 4: Adjust the Art on Your Wall

Once your camera is aligned with the wall, you’ll see the selected artwork appear on your screen as if it’s hanging on your wall in real life. You can easily move and resize the image to fit the space perfectly by pinching or dragging it on your phone’s screen.

Step 5: Try Different Styles and Sizes

Not sure which size or style will suit your space best? No problem! With the "View It in Me Room" feature, you can switch between different sizes and art pieces without leaving the app. Experiment with various options until you find the perfect match.

Step 6: Make Your Purchase with Confidence

Once you’re satisfied with how the art looks in your room, you can proceed to purchase with confidence, knowing exactly how it will complement your space.

Check the tutorial video we created for you


Why Use “View It in Me Room”?

  • No Guesswork: Get a real-time preview of how the art will look on your wall.
  • Convenient: You can try multiple options from the comfort of your own home.
  • Accurate Sizing: Ensure that the size you select fits perfectly in your chosen space.

With this innovative tool, finding the right piece of wall art has never been easier or more fun!

Give it a try and see how our collection can transform your room.


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Annette Schmucker